The Death of Telecom Loyalty
Explore why traditional retention strategies fail to build lasting loyalty and discover how emotional connections can transform customer relationships.
Ethical Competitive Intelligence
Investigate Competitive Intelligence's (CI) ethical and legal boundaries.
Culture Eats Strategy: Why Top-Down Change Efforts Fail
Discover why transformation initiatives fall painfully short of their goals and explore the disconnect between strategy and culture.
Boundaryless Organisations: Reimagining Corporate Structure
Explore the case for reimagining boundaryless organisations, pioneered by Jack Welch, in modern corporate structures and processes.
Remote Leadership: The Future of Leadership in a Remote World
Explore the future of remote leadership, and the importance of specific leadership skills and techniques that allow for remote success.
Generative AI: Challenging the Productivity Promise
Explore generative AI's impact on productivity, contrasting its potential with real-world outcomes in business.